From where edible clays like indian grey roasted is retrieved

Hello claylovers, So you're also a clay lover like me and thats why you're here, searching around for some information on edible clays available around the world. There are many many types of clays available in the market today whether online OR in local grocery shops. But today we will discuss about one of the most popular edible clay which is from india called indian grey roasted clay, local people in gujarat, maharashtra and surrounding areas also call it Bhutdo OR Bhutado . there are many types of indian clays available nowadays. But there is very little information available about its origin and from where it is retrieved, Today we will shade some light on indian grey roasted clay , First of all its nothing but natural clay which is dug from mines in india. In its natural form its quite soft and all grey color and if you taste it without roasting it will fell like and endless super gummy chocolate without smoky flavor and that great taste, roasting process de...